Finally! You can link Xero to BambooHR! EnvisionBX provides a two way API link between BambooHR and Xero for the first time, and makes the HR onboarding process super easy and efficient. Managing employee leave balance is also a breeze with the EnvisionBX integration. Simple employee record sync New employees are synced directly from BambooHR to Xero Payroll to save time and make the new employee onboarding process smoother. Easy leave management When an employee requests leave, BambooHR automatically sends the request directly to their manager. When the manager approves the leave, the EnvisionBX connector syncs the updated leave balance in BambooHR and Xero Payroll simultaneously. Would you like to connect multiple Xero accounts with BambooHR?
We call this Divisional Filters and many companies are enjoying this unique functionality. Request information and we can discuss how envisionBX is available in all Australia, New Zealand and United Kingdom.

EnvisionBX + Xero
Our product provides a 2-way sync of data from/to Xero and BambooHR allowing customers to save time spent doing data entry while also providing greater accuracy of data.
Envision is honored to be an integration partner with both Xero and BambooHR. We are all excited to continue to bring together these highly complementary systems.
Once configured, the integration is effortless. When enabled, the employee auto-sync runs every 30 minutes and leave syncs happen daily. Additionally, syncs may be manually triggered in envisionBX if needed.
Send new employees automatically from BambooHR to Xero and notify your payroll team.
Reconcile leave balances between BambooHR and Xero.
Reconcile approved leave between BambooHR and Xero .
Provide envisionBX payslips from Xero payslip code to BambooHR Documents.
Sync Wage/Salary information from BambooHR to Xero (With Custom Field).
Sync Bank Details from BambooHR to Xero.
STP2 compliant.
Getting started
Enter your details in the form and click submit, once done so you will receive an email with a link to confirm your account. Once this link is clicked the user will be directed to the login screen.
Please note: envisionBX is not a self service product.
Please contact one of our friendly staff at support@envisiondigital.atlassian.net to arrange a call to get you all set up with envisionBX.
Sign In - Enter your username and password and click submit, this will take you to your envisionBX account.
Then the envisionBX support team will invite you in the envisionBX system.
Once you have access to EnvisionBX you will need to:
Step 1 - BambooHR Authentication: To authenticate your BambooHR Account enter in your organisation's BambooHR sub-domain.
Please note: You need to have a full admin access in BambooHR
Once entered click the connect to BambooHR button to connect your BambooHR account.
Step 2 - Xero Authentication: To authenticate your Xero Account enter in your organisation's payroll clerk’s email.
Please note: You must have at least Advisor access in Xero.
Once entered click the connect to Xero button to connect your Xero account.
Step 3 - Stripe Payment Method: We are using Stripe for Payment.
Please note: We will need your payment details and your credit card information.
Step4 - Manual Sync Page: envisionBX is scheduled to sync every 30 minutes but you have the ability to manually sync data so you don't have to wait for 30 minutes.
Step 5 - Auto Sync Page: We will turn on the auto sync. Integration is now running.
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