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Propeller Powered

By Propeller Powered
0 out of 5 stars
Propeller’s cloud-based Workforce Management System for Contractors provides digital certification and real time access to job data to ensure compliance with regulations.
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Listed for
2 years
February 2023
Key functions
Invoicing and jobs


Propeller Powered provides small to medium sized Contractors with a cloud-based workforce management system designed to eliminate paper, reduce admin time and manage quote to invoice in one easy to use, cost effective system.

Includes Job Management, Mobile Apps, Workforce Planning, Digital Certification, CRM, Communications, Finance, Reporting, Stock Management, Timesheets & much more.

Propeller Powered
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Propeller Powered + Xero

Propeller’s integrated finance & stock management system enables users to track Job costs from beginning to end, tracking your business expenses such as labour and parts, giving you a simple view of your per-job profit/loss & expenditure.

With the new Xero integration, Propeller allows users to synchronize all finance items securely and safely into Xero with minimal user interaction.

This includes the ability to synchronize your Propeller created Purchase Orders, Purchase Invoices, Purchase Credits, Sales Invoices, Sales Credits directly into Xero, either per invoice, or available as a ‘bulk sync’ option.

This includes options such as DRC and CIS.

In addition, payment information on Sales Invoices from Xero can be synchronized into Propeller so that both systems are in step.

With Propeller’s granular user roles, an additional ‘approval process’ is available for all finance items prior to synchronizing into Xero.

Propeller is a system designed to be customizable to clients unique and individual needs, this extends into the Xero and finance system, with multiple customizations available.

Propeller fully supports custom Nominal Codes, Tax Codes and multiple bank accounts – all simply setup from one easy to understand interface. In tandem with Propeller’s approval process, clients can also define the default ‘status’ for items synchronized into Xero as ‘Authorised’, ‘Draft’ or ‘Submitted’.

Clients can also make use of Propeller features to automate and simplify accounting, such as automatic Finance Rules based on your raised Job types, automating invoice due by dates based on your clients, to tracking your stock usage and creating Purchase Orders to replenish stock used to the respective silo(s).

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Shared data

Propeller Powered
Invoicesshared from Propeller Powered to Xero
Credit Notesshared from Propeller Powered to Xero
Accountsshared from Xero to Propeller Powered
Purchase Ordersshared from Propeller Powered to Xero
Paymentsshared from Xero to Propeller Powered
Contactsshared from Propeller Powered to Xero


Invoicing and jobsDocuments


Property and realtyConstruction and tradesProfessional services

App details

By Propeller Powered
Added in 2023


United Kingdom




Setup walkthroughContact


0333 207 0037



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