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By Buildlogic
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Buildlogic is a Construction Management Software that seamlessly integrates with Xero, providing a comprehensive solution for Estimating, Job Management, and Accounting.
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Listed for
3 years
November 2021


Who should use Buildlogic? Builders, Developers, plus Subcontractors such as Interior fitout companies, mechanical services professional. The Buildlogic suite suits any size company in Construction.

From the creation of an estimate using simple templates, to the management of costs of the construction and the integration with Xero, Buildlogic provides the solution.

Raising progress claims, variations, subcontract payment and payroll all with the integration to Xero eliminates the needs to rekey information saving time and money.

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buildlogic + Xero

Integrates with Xero for expenses (Accounts Payable), income (Accounts Receivable), timesheets and payroll. Transactions can be sent to or pulled from Xero, alleviating double entry of data saving time for staff.

Our timesheet application allows for entry on a mobile, approval, allocate costs to jobs in Buildlogic and forward the hours to Xero which greatly reduces time spent associating costs to jobs and payroll.

With the ability to pull transactions entered into Xero and pull them into Buildlogic, provides a flexible approach when implementing without major changes to the roles of users.

With the right linking in place this provides a seamless integration between Buildlogic and Xero.

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Shared data

Invoicesshared from Xero to buildlogic and from buildlogic to Xero
Contactsshared from Xero to buildlogic and from buildlogic to Xero
Timesheetsshared from buildlogic to Xero
PayRunsshared from Xero to buildlogic
Accountsshared from Xero to buildlogic
Tracking Categoriesshared from Xero to buildlogic and from buildlogic to Xero
Tax Ratesshared from Xero to buildlogic
Receiptsshared from Xero to buildlogic
Paymentsshared from Xero to buildlogic
Journalsshared from Xero to buildlogic
Employeesshared from Xero to buildlogic
Credit Notesshared from Xero to buildlogic


Invoicing and jobsBills and expenses


Construction and trades

App details

By Buildlogic
Added in 2021


Australia, New Zealand




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14 day free trial available

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