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Gusto R&D Tax Credit Services

By Gusto Tax Credits
0 out of 5 stars
Built by a team of Big 4 accounting experts, our platform automates the tax credit process to turn months of work into minutes. Using AI and machine learning, it processes hundreds of thousands of transactions to find tax credits.
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Listed for
11 months
September 2023


Built by a team of Big 4 accounting experts, our platform automates the tax credit process to turn months of work into minutes. Using AI and machine learning, it processes hundreds of thousands of transactions to find tax credits.

Gusto R&D Tax Credit Services + Xero

Gusto Tax Credits (aka Ardius) has partnered with Xero to automate the discovery of expenses that qualify for tax credits. We automatically pull in your accounting data from Xero to assist in automatically qualifying your company for credits that create more cash flow!

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Gusto R&D Tax Credit Services
Accountsshared from Xero to Gusto R&D Tax Credit Services
Payment Servicesshared from Xero to Gusto R&D Tax Credit Services
Paymentsshared from Xero to Gusto R&D Tax Credit Services
Manual Journalsshared from Xero to Gusto R&D Tax Credit Services
Linked Transactionsshared from Xero to Gusto R&D Tax Credit Services
Journalsshared from Xero to Gusto R&D Tax Credit Services
Itemsshared from Xero to Gusto R&D Tax Credit Services
Invoicesshared from Xero to Gusto R&D Tax Credit Services
Bank Transactionsshared from Xero to Gusto R&D Tax Credit Services


Accountant toolsFinancial services


Professional servicesAccounting

App details

By Gusto Tax Credits
Added in 2023


United States




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Get started with Gusto R&D Tax Credit Services

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