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Plugin Accountant Link

By Plugin Accountant Link
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Plugin Accountant Link is the next generation of accounting solutions. Plugin is built with accountants and their clients in mind, focusing on three key pain points for accountants: app fatigue and consolidation, client communication and automation, and collaborative advisory tools.
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Listed for
1 year
July 2023


Intelligent, connected practice management. Plugin Accountant Link is the software solution set to cut your admin time by 90% and revolutionise your practice for your team and clients alike. Read, triage and notify clients automatically – all from our IRD and ATO integrated inbox.

Feature snapshot:

  • Automated collection, reading, sending and archiving of tax office comms for clients and staff
  • Customisable logic rules to decide where each letter type goes
  • Craft personalised, branded emails using editable templates
  • Import information seamlessly through our Tax Office and XPM integrations

Plugin Accountant Link + Xero

Plugin Accountant Link integrates with XPM to internally link up your client data with that from the tax office.

Plugin Accountant Link + Xero

Plugin Accountant Link integrates with XPM and takes care of your job workflow within Xero Practice Manager. Jobs will be created for your clients and updated as you progress with different client-related tasks including End of Year financial accounts, GST and consulting jobs.

Plugin Accountant Link integrates with your client's Xero file to auto-answer questions relating to bank accounts, asset register and more.

Our collaborative advisory tool, Wealth IQ, also uses client's Xero file and pulls key metrics to show how their business is performing.

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Accountant toolsPractice manager



App details

By Plugin Accountant Link
Added in 2023


New Zealand






0800 800 046



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