batch2sepa can help your business
Manage accounts, cash flow and finance
- Invoicing and debt collection
- Pay bills
- Manage day to day banking
With SEPA payment files becoming more commonly supported across European banks, Xero users can now convert their batch payments and direct debit requests to SEPA XMLs from their books, and upload them directly into their banks.
batch2sepa connects with Xero to simplify this conversion process, enabling firms to pay from just a few to a couple hundred invoices at once in an instant. It also enables direct debit requests, allowing firms to execute their mandated payment schedules and get their invoices paid directly through their own banks.
batch2sepa + Xero
batch2sepa can connect with multiple Xero organisations and immediately enables users to convert batch payments and deposits prepared in Xero.
Once connected, batch2sepa lists all batch payments (AP) and deposits (AR) created in the last 14 days. For AP, users can use the interface to add bank account details to their Xero contacts; once completed, batch2sepa converts the batch to a SEPA XML file ready to be uploaded into the bank. For AR, the process is the same, but the mandate details per contact and the SEPA DD creditor identifier for the administration must be included as well.
Getting started
batch2sepa is simple to use, once logged in with your account, click 'Add Organisation' in the organisations overview. Once connected, go to the list of batches to pick the new batch payment or deposit you created.
The app will request the necessary information from you to prepare the XML file; fill all the necessary details, and click 'Convert to SEPA XML' to get your XML file, ready to be uploaded into the bank.
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