Jobman is the versatile job management software to perfectly manage the entire lifecycle of your manufacturing project. From job creation, costing, ordering, stock control and staff productivity in real time, Jobman ensures you are programmed to succeed. Jobman is a flexible enterprise resource system (ERP) that takes care of all aspects of your manufacturing business. The unique web-based application means you can access Jobman remotely, perfect in an ever-changing manufacturing environment.

Jobman + Xero
Jobman sends data to Xero, including contacts, invoices, purchase orders, timesheets, and leave requests. Data also flows back the other way, so if you edit a contact, or record an invoice payment in Xero, you'll know about it in Jobman.
Getting started
Integration with Xero is easy. Instructions on how to do this are here https://docs.jobmanapp.com/article/94-how-to-connect-jobman-and-to-an-accounting-package and to find out how Jobman can help your manufacturing business, start here https://jobman.com/contact/