Yak Pay is simply a better way to pay. Make your accounts payable work for you!
Save Time & Money - process hundreds of invoices in seconds, without having to make phone calls or visit separate websites to pay via credit card.
Improve Security - Securely delegate access to your card(s) without using your full card number. Payment Logic is PCI compliant and uses card tokenisation and multi-factor authorisation.
Improve Cash Flow - Take advantage of existing credit card facilities for up to 55 days interest free period.
Earn More Reward Points - Earn full reward points for all government payments, supplier invoices, contractors, superannuation, rent and other expenses.
Ease of Use - Our simple, intuitive platform is available 24 x 7 allowing you to make payments at any time you choose. Use Payment Logic on any platform and any device.
Yak Pay + Xero
Yak Pay integrates seamlessly with Xero to make your accounts payable work for you!
Our integration synchronises Xero contacts with payees in our platform, and also and imports all Bills awaiting payment. Authorising payments is easy, just select which Bills you want paid, and authorise by entering the SMS sent to your mobile phone.
After your card is charged, payments are automatically applied to your Xero Bills which moves those Bills to Paid status. Our processing fees are also automatically added back into your Xero account as a Paid Bill. Our integration supports automatic reconciliation once Xero imports your card statement feed.
Getting started
Connecting Yak Pay is easy to set up. Connecting your Xero account only takes seconds!
To get started, log into Yak Pay and click the “Show Me” button in the New Xero Integration section on your Home page. The integration wizard will step you through the process.