The simPRO to Xero Payroll integration brings simPRO Timesheets into Xero instantly while calculating overtime rates, penalty rates, transferring leave, removing Breaks and RDOs and allocating the employee’s time to the correct cost codes in Xero.
This is a huge timesaver for your accounts / payroll teams. You can finally pay employees based on the actual job costing information from simPRO. Eliminate manual data entry and mistakes in payroll calculations, set it once and get it right every time.

SyncEzy + Xero
The integration extracts time from simPRO and processes the time for various Overtime and EBA rules.
The overtime engine then displays the time for a confirmation and final approval before sending the times into Xero and into the pay run as a timesheet.
The user can make any final changes or tweaks in Xero before Approval in Xero and processing payroll.
Getting started
Contact us on https://syncezy.com/simpro-xero-payroll-integration/#contact We'll setup your account and assist you with your first payroll being processed seamlessly.