Jebra is an automation platform that makes enterprise-level plug and play automations available to the middle market, enabling you to automate core business functions without costly data warehouses and technical talent.
We transform and transfer your data between apps and platforms - so you can scale and transform your business.
If you like acronyms, Jebra is an ETL / ReverseETL automation platform, or more generally an Integration Platform as a Service: IPaaS.
All Jebra automations are available to try free, and customizable upon request to suit your unique business needs. The growing list of Jebra automations for Xero users include:
- Send financial reports to Google Data Studio daily
- Send raw data to GoogleSheets on-demand
- Automate email invoices
- For Zingfit studio owners: send Zingfit revenues to Xero and Google Sheets

Jebra + Xero
Jebra automations connect to your Xero data (the source), optionally transform it, and subsequently deliver raw or transformed data to a destination (the sink). Some of our popular automations include automations to:
Send financial Xero reports to Google Sheets / Data Studio daily. Once connected to your Xero data, we fetch your Xero data, generate reports, and upload to Google Sheets automatically. The spreadsheet is connected to a data studio report that updates automatically. Users may choose to design and connect the output to custom Google Data Studio report templates.
Send raw Xero data to Google Sheets on-demand or daily. This is especially useful for developers, data analysts and others wishing to probe the raw data: avoid having to download-and-upload, and filter to include just the desired data.
Automate invoice emails, or trigger bulk emails on-demand. For scheduled emailing, users can customize some basic filters (e.g Invoice Type; Date; etc) for the invoices to match. For on-demand emailing, users can log onto our dashboard and select the invoices for which to send emails.
Getting started
Log in at app.jebra.io - create an account if necessary.
Navigate to Automations > Marketplace.
Select an automation to install, e.g select XeroReports for financial reports to Google Sheets / Data Studio. A draft automation is created.
Configure your Xero data source: from the dropdown, select "Add Connection" and follow Xero OAuth to connect your Xero org.
On success, the first report is generated and uploaded to Google Sheets. You'll be notified by email when the report is ready.

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