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By Ag-drive
4.86 out of 5 stars
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Ag-drive is an all-in-one app for agricultural contractors & farmers to eliminate the paperwork for your business. Streamline the process of recording your jobs through to invoicing in Xero. Features include GPS job recording, invoicing, job reporting, health + safety, timesheets and field mapping.
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Ag-drive can help your business


Ag-drive is an all-in-one app for agricultural contractors & farmers to eliminate the paperwork for your business. With Ag-drive you can streamline the process of recording your jobs, from assigning jobs to your operators to sending invoices to your customers. Say goodbye to piles of paperwork and embrace a paperless solution that saves you time and money, whilst also improving your cash flow and job records. Ag-drive gives users clear and precise instructions from field mapping to pre-start health and safety checks, timesheets and invoicing to give the contractor, farmer and operator peace of mind, with instant data access at any time.

Key features include:

  • Telematic job recording – Send jobs directly to your operator and be notified of when the operator has travelled to the job, started and finished the job whilst, also being able to view live in-progress jobs. Multiple operators can also work on the same job (Team jobs)
  • Fully customisable job operations – Tailor the app to suit your specific business needs. Edit details like names, billing rates, default vehicles/implements, and include additional extra information boxes.
  • Product lists – Can be added to jobs such as silage wrap, fuel, agrochemicals and fertiliser etc.
  • Unique farm/contractor relationship – Ag-drive farm users can send jobs to their contractors through the app, so job instructions are in black and white. Full traceability for the farmer as he can view the job as it's happening.
  • Field mapping – Map fields through the app and also, import fields from shape file formats. Information such as crop, variety, year and job history can also be included.
  • Timesheets – No excuses for late, illegible or incorrect timesheets! Operators can enter timesheet details through the app in a matter of seconds.
  • Health and safety checks – Risk assessments can be attached to each individual job.
  • Vehicle/Implement maintenance and pre-start checks.
  • Invoicing – Invoices can be sent from Ag-drive for every job recorded. Ag-drive also fully integrates with accounts packages Xero, Sage online & Quickbooks. PDF Job reports can also be attached.
  • Works offline – In no signal, the job will still be recorded and updated to the cloud once in signal or Wi-Fi.
  • Cloud based – Data can never get lost, paperwork can...

Ag-drive is free to download on the apple and google play stores.

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Ag-drive + Xero

Customers can be imported into Ag-drive via Xero and synced back into Xero if changes have be made to the customer in Ag-drive.

Invoices can be sent into your Xero account from jobs recorded in Ag-drive. When an invoice is created your products and services can be auto matched with your Ag-drive job operations, making invoicing from Ag-drive into Xero as easy as a few clicks of a button!

Job reports/summaries can be generated in Ag-drive, and can be attached to your Xero invoice that is sent to the customer for full traceability.

Reviews & ratings

4.9 out of 5 stars
7 Reviews

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Most recent reviews

Sue Barnes
Posted 17 Jan 2025
5 out of 5 stars
All agricultural contractors should Ag-drive, its perfect for documenting everything you do whilst on the go, making it excellent for time efficiency and accuracy. Thank you Ag-drive!
John Grant
Posted 8 Dec 2024
5 out of 5 stars

Highly Recommended

Great App for keeping track of all our work, enabling us to plan jobs more effectively and send new or updated jobs instantly to the operator during a busy season. Machine and Health and Safety check lists before commencing work help with our compliance records. Easily synchronised with Xero for straight forward invoicing.
Nicholas Bush
Posted 30 Nov 2024
5 out of 5 stars
As with any ag contracting business one of the biggest constraints is cash flow. AGdrive being linked with Xero has allowed our business to see cash in and out in real time allowing more timely decisions. The link also drastically cuts down time from work being completed in the paddock to invoice being sent and reconciled. Well done AgDrive on a superior application NFB AG CONTRACTORS

Additional info

Shared data

Invoicesshared from Xero to Ag-drive and from Ag-drive to Xero
Contactsshared from Xero to Ag-drive and from Ag-drive to Xero
Tax Ratesshared from Xero to Ag-drive
Itemsshared from Xero to Ag-drive and from Ag-drive to Xero
Currenciesshared from Xero to Ag-drive


Invoicing and jobsTime tracking


AgricultureConstruction and trades

App details

By Ag-drive
Added in 2024


Australia, Canada, Global, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States




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01439 787065



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