Tax1099 can help your business
File taxes
- Filing tax returns
Tax1099 is an award-winning, cloud-based, IRS-approved eFile provider of 1099-series, 1098, 1095/ACA, W-2/Payroll, and 8809 Extension forms. If you are an SMB, large Enterprize, or an Accounting Firm, Tax1099’s 3-step filing process helps you manage and file your IRS Forms with ease and offer an all-in-one compliance solution to your filing season. Your information moves under 256-bit, bank-grade security from your source in Xero to Tax1099, then to the IRS and states, and to your vendors via our email or USPS delivery options. With 5years of record keeping, view or download your documents anytime you need.
Tax1099 also offers advanced features like printing and postal mailing, IRS-compliant eDelivery, state filing, extension filing, prior-year filings, form corrections, bulk filing, TIN-matching, w8/w9 form, and much more.
Tax1099 + Xero
To file IRS Tax Forms, Tax1099 will import payer, recipient, and box amounts from Xero. You may select the filing year from our system, up to 3 years previous. Enter the login information for the company you want to import. Once a company’s import is complete, connect again to import another company. Collect your imports in the View/Edit/Submit screen and submit the eFile when ready.
Getting started
Integrate directly from the 1099 Report in Xero, or log in to Tax1099 to authorize the sync with your Xero account by entering your Xero Login information when prompted. Visit our Knowledge Base for in-depth articles on troubleshooting issues, or use our live chat feature to get help from a support specialist.