EntryRocket offers reliable, automated, and fully customizable ongoing Xero data imports, specifically tailored to your needs and requirements.
Email your files and our fully automated system will automatically import them into your Xero, exactly how you want it, without any human intervention, in a matter of minutes.
EntryRocket imports Invoices, Bills, Bank Transactions, Quotes, Purchase Orders, Manual Journals, Payments, and Credit Notes from email. Any custom attributes and rules can be set with EntryRocket's customization engine — including things like credit card fees, affiliate commissions... etc.
Reliable and fully customizable Xero automation
EntryRocket adapts to you, not the other way around. We customize our software and tailor it, so it fits your needs. Endless customization possibilities make EntryRocket perfect for ongoing data imports and make it a reliable business companion — saving you valuable time.
Seamlessly integrates into your workflow
EntryRocket's smart configuration engine makes it easy to integrate into any workflow and system out there. As long as your system can export data, EntryRocket can import it into Xero!
Import data to Xero as easy as sending an email
No need to look at your raw data ever again. Simply forward your data to EntryRocket via email and our system will take care of the rest. No more hours of manual data entry and getting stuck in the inbox.
Say goodbye to manual entry
Remove any risk of making manual errors in your documents and seamlessly import verified data into Xero. No need to enter or format data into any predefined template. All rules will be custom developed to accompany the needs of your bookkeeping. If your system changes EntryRocket will adapt to those changes as well.
Send your data in any file format
It doesn't matter what file format you send. EntryRocket can process it as long as it's machine-readable (we can't process pictures or scanned documents). The list of supported file formats includes CSV, TXT, Excel, IIF, XML, JSON, YAML, PDF, and some rare text-based files.
Save your precious time
If you spend just 15 minutes a week re-entering or importing data into Xero, then EntryRocket is the perfect solution for you. By automating this dull and annoying process, you'll save time and eliminate inevitable human errors.
Outstanding integration of any system with Xero
EntryRocket can provide reliable integration of any system with Xero as long as you can export data from that system into any computer-readable file. It doesn't matter if it's an old legacy system or some cool cloud-based app that doesn't connect to Xero. We can generate documents out of data from the system you're using into Xero with pinpoint accuracy... exactly how you want it!