Easy Month End takes the stress out of the month-end close and reconciliation process by capturing all of your month-end close tasks and putting them in one easily accessible tool. You can customise your dashboard to see how your team is progressing based on the way you want to track month-end.
Don’t let the name fool you, as Easy Month End does so much more than just manage your month-end close. Easy Month End is the only workflow management and task allocation tool your finance team will need. It can capture one-off, daily, weekly fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual tasks. It also brings through your balance sheet for easy reconciliations.
All tasks and reconciliations provide you with an inbuilt audit log of any changes, review comments, uploads, and preparer and reviewer sign-off to ensure that you have easily accessible audit evidence of the review function.

Easy Month End + Xero
Easy Month End syncs with your Xero account to allow easy balance sheet reconciliations. You certain also set up certain tasks at month end to automatically be signed off in your checklist once actions are completed in Xero.
Getting started
It’s quick and easy to get all your tasks set up in Easy Month End.
You can start creating, assigning and checking off tasks within minutes of signing up. If you already have a checklist of tasks, we can import it for you to get you up and running straight away.
Your month end balance sheet balance will also be brought through all ready for you to upload your reconciliations.
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