Manu Online handles all your order processes, inventory and manufacturing. It also plans your operations and procurement. It is suitable for any size of manufacturing operation that is using Xero for accounts. A growing manufacturing company needs a good manufacturing system to grow successfully.
Manu Online Ltd + Xero
Manu Online connects to Xero at the invoice stage. Your invoice processing procedures in Xero remain exactly the same except you no longer need to manually enter invoices; they are created in Manu Online and sent electronically to Xero. Invoices are built from order/delivery information and also from advance payments, time and materials (service work orders), periodic invoices (e.g. equipment rental) and direct (over the counter) sales. When an invoice is transferred it includes data for items and contacts. It is also possible to import items and contacts from Xero to Manu Online. This is particularly useful if you are starting to use Manu Online from an existing Xero account. Importing the chart of accounts and tax codes to Manu Online will set up the correct tax configuration on your Manu Online account. Finally import ongoing sales payment information so that you can control the credit limit and over due payment situation so that your users are warned before entering finalising sales orders or new product dispatches to delinquent customers. Although item data is exported to Xero, Xero’s tracked item feature should not be used because inventory tracking is being done in Manu Online.
Getting started
Sign up for Manu Online. On the first page you can connect to your Xero account and import your items and contacts (you can also use Excel if your Xero account does not yet have data). We can also assist you with implementation.
Contact us at support@manuonline.com for assistance or full in the contact form on our web site. To book an online demo go to https://www.manuonline.com/contact

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