NowInfinity is an all-encompassing entity management platform for accountants, financial advisers and legal professionals in Australia. With 70+ legal document templates at your fingertips as well as a corporate compliance, trust and SMSF management platform. Built to make your wealth accounting and compliance tasks simpler, automated and connected to help you achieve your business goals faster.
NowInfinity + Xero
The integration between NowInfinity and Xero’s Xero Practice Manager (XPM) streamlines your workflow and minimises the time spent on related tasks. With this integration, you can effortlessly work across both platforms, enabling you to update client records, synchronise job tasks, and save generated documents directly to XPM. This not only saves you valuable time but also ensures data consistency and enhances your overall productivity. By leveraging the integration between NowInfinity and XPM, you can focus more on delivering exceptional service to your clients and growing your business.
Getting started
If you are already a NowInfinity customer, simply head to Menu > Product Settings > Practice Management to enable your XPM integration.
If you are not already a NowInfinity customer, email sales@class.com.au to discuss subscription options and how to enable the XPM integration. Alternatively, click ‘get this app’ above and create a Pay as You Go (PAYG) account.
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Terrible customer service