Scale your Depreciation, Check-in/Check-out of assets to employees, Asset Revaluation, and even do an asset audit, all with Asset.Guru
Sell, disposal
Bring Operations and finance teams together, allowing them to upload or maintain fixed assets on one platform. Fully integrated to Xero with automatic depreciation journals and even the import of draft fixed assets into Asset.Guru from Xero!
We help track and depreciate fixed assets, even fully expensed items for operational reasons, while still helping finance teams stay on top of depreciation. Invite your Maintenance staff into Asset.Guru for Job Management, Asset Tracking and reminders for regular tasks and safety certificates.

Asset.Guru + Xero
Import asset related bills from Xero, automatically post depreciation, post profit or loss on asset sales, disposals and revalue assets. Boom!
Getting started
Start a trial of Asset.Guru then click to connect to Xero, import your current assets via CSV then go live! When you're ready opt in to import bills as draft fixed assets in Asset.Guru!
Operational features: Check out assets like tools, rental equipment, laptops, equipment or vehicles to partners or employees (requires Starter Edition plan or above)
Yes we also support multiple depreciation methods for accounting snd Tax Depreciation as well as Diminishing Value
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