3 Reviews
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William Walmsley
Posted 24 Oct 2024
Very poor indeed
This system has a multitude of fundamental issues as follows.
- Inventory item quantities wont adjust with an invoice alone, you have to create a job in order to remove stock, or do it manually. This is no good as we have many sales that are just parts without labor so no "job" required.
- The system is delayed, in this day and age, we are used to a mouse click giving instant results. Klipboard has at least a couple of seconds delay on every click. This is not our network, I have tried in various locations with fiber internet as well as hard wired.
- You can't create a job without a workflow form. We don't need forms for every job.
- If field engineers need to add inventory items to a job, they cannot see what they have added once they finish adding. So when they come back to add more, they are unaware of what they have already put on the job, as it is not displayed.
- The dashboard financial reports display default dates cant be changed so in order to be of any use you have to change it manually, which just isn't useful.
- The scheduler is not great on a user interface level, you cant customise it to remove days and times you don't need. You also can't book an engineer to do two jobs at the same time, which is no good if you have an ongoing long-term repair as well as ad-hoc jobs.
- The support is responsive but not actually much good at solving issues. There is a huge lack of technical knowledge so many issues have to be passed on.
We have suffered with this system for a year, It has worsened our efficiency, we won't be renewing.
Response from Klipboard
Hi Will, thanks for your review. We are sorry to hear your feedback, we do take every comment personally as we do care about what we are doing.
We do think it is harsh to say there are fundamental issues when in fact most of your comments relate to features that you would like but we don't have and actually didn't have when you trialled the software for free. This does not mean the software has issues, it means that it may have features that you require for your processes.
- Yes you are correct, you do need a job in order for stock levels to adjust. We are a job management system and not just for the sale of parts.
- We are a cloud based platform and the pages for the software are loaded via a web browser. We load these pages within industry standard loading times, also there is a lot of data to return each time the page is loaded. I note you are a Xero customer, which operates the same way as us and they too take a couple of seconds to load each page.
- Forms are integral to the majority of our customers on jobs. You can have a basic form with one check box, it does not require a huge form therefore not really adding any issue on completing the job on the mobile app. Forms have been mandatory on the platform for the last 9 years, there has been no change since you trialled and purchased - we watched the recording of the demo you had and this was raised by you and explained by us at the time . We are however looking at a setting that will allow for the option of a form.
- When you add inventory via the 'Inventory Allocated' section on the mobile app, you can see all items that have been added to the job, so engineers can see what they have added. However if you are using the forms to add items then you will not, therefore we always recommend using the dedicated section for inventory on a job
- We are releasing updates in the next two weeks that will allow users to save what filters they have on grids, etc therefore remembering your defaults
- We enable you to create scheduled and unscheduled jobs therefore if you have an adhoc job it can be sent to the engineer.
- The postcode look up is provided by Google, it is not our technology, it is a plugin.
We are sorry to hear you feel that you have suffered, that is certainly not what our intentions are. We genuinely try our very best to please everyone but with off the shelf software that is just not possible all the time as we have to develop features that work for all, not just some processes. This is why we provide free trial periods and demos, etc so as you have full visibility of what the platform does before purchasing. We wish you the best for the future.
Chris Gurney
Posted 6 Sep 2024
VERIFIED REVIEWER>>> Invoice from Klipboard for £3240 invoice number FB5EBBBA-0003 Dated 13th June 2024.
We paid £3000 upfront in good faith, the demo showed everything working, the reality is we have the system in place for a month and it absolutely ruined our business, the below shows the issues we have found, it is so bad we have written to them for a refund and they refuse, they want us to raise an issue for each area so they can resolve, my issue is these issues should not exist, the system should work...
Issues found whilst using Klipboard.
Unable to have a diary view – support advised they would put this forward to technical – no time of implementation given. When using the scheduler – you could not get any relevant job information by clicking over a job – you could only get the contact name, rather than the name of the company or address you were going to.
System keeps glitching / getting logged out/ not responding. It is also generally slow to use compared to other systems we have used. It was only after we continually complained of how long it took to do a process (whizzy wheel for over 6 minutes) and sent this to our Support Manager Eddie, they realised there might be an issue and released a message to say some people were experiencing issues with system being so slow. After their fix – system is still a lot slower than others used.
Unable to edit jobs once they have been allocated to an engineer. You cannot move jobs unless they are in an unassigned status, so if allocated to an engineer they then have to be unallocated to make any changes.
There is no option to attach videos to jobs – i.e. video file of issue with machine etc. You can attach pdf files to jobs/ invoices, however they cannot be dragged and dropped as with other systems.
You cannot invoice a job prior to delivery of chemical or a machine, as the job then disappears from the scheduler, and you then lose track of the job.
Sync has to be done at least once a day – manually. More often than not, when invoices fail to sync, the only suggestion Klipboard offers as a form of guidance is that the invoice has failed to sync. It is also not obvious when invoices have failed to sync, so customer invoices can easily be missed as on the accounting system, there would not be any trace of them. The whole process of getting stuff synced is extremely long, even if only syncing invoices and not all data.
Total Valeting often has its delivery sites split from the main Total site, thus causing multiple unnecessary debtors on credit control reports. Example Elite Car Body, job raised and invoiced under Total Valeting as a site, however when synced to Xero it is added as a new customer.
When invoices are downloaded, they appear with £0.00 figures, even though the invoice on the desktop is showing correctly. Support is unsure why this happens, no one else reports this ????, their work around is to open the invoice on the desktop, click edit, click save, then download it again.
When you use the system to resend invoices to customers, it automatically adds another 7 days to the payment due date. So, if an invoice was showing as overdue, and you resend it using Klipboard, it no longer shows as past its due date, as another 7 days are added to due date.
Issues with duplicate customers being created and then subsequent issues with having to merge them on accounting package. Once merged there have been issues getting invoices to sync to Xero again. One customer – Halo, I ended up actually creating a third customer called Halo with a slightly different name, just in order to get invoices to sync to Xero.
You cannot use the system to add supplier invoices to the system. A p/o has to be raised which does not allow for the buying price to be amended to more than 2 decimal places, therefore you cannot get a p/o created to accurately match a supplier invoice as prices do not match. The p/o then has to be sent to Xero and does not allow for attachments to be added.
Stripe facility – when notifications show on Stripe they do not show the invoice number they relate to as they do on Tradify. Therefore you have to track back to try to find who could have made the payment. Should identical payments have been made on a certain day, you would not know which payment related to who made it.
Advised Klipboard – they will put it to tech dept to sort at some point, but no timeframe given. No other company has ever reported needing this facility ?????
Cannot mark invoices off as paid until the payment has been received in the accounting system. This process can take over a week. Therefore if a customer buys a machine, pays in full, you cannot produce an invoice on that day showing paid in full, £0.00 balance. The debtors list gets longer and is not a true reflection of the current status as invoices paid do not show as such.
Postcode look up does not work satisfactorily – majority of addresses it finds are in the USA.
When contacting support through the online “bot” facility – the subject headings are not always relevant to what you wish to discuss so you have to try to pick the best relating option. You then get “told off” for selecting the wrong option.
Generally the system is hard to use, does not flow well and is over complicated.
Response from Klipboard
Hi Chris, thanks for leaving your review and we are sorry to hear that you think our software is awful. We serve customers in 12 countries and have a 97% customer retention rate therefore this comes as a shock to us - as you can see from our other reviews on Google they are all 5 star.
We never demoed the product to you, you signed up for a free, no obligation, 14 day trial. During that trial you are able to fully review our software before making a decision to purchase - this decision was made from your review of our trial account which is the exact same as a paid account. You proceeded to purchase the software through our self check out and our terms and conditions are clearly stated about refunds.
In regards to your issues, we have provided responses below:
Diary view: we do have a diary view and you can view jobs, by day, week, month, agenda and list view. In regards to getting job information on the scheduler you hover over and can see the job number, name, client name, client address and job category, if you wish to view more information you simply click view more.
System Speed: Our system loads within the industry standard response times. The system is a cloud based system and is not installed on your computer, it is operated via a browser. Therefore speed can be impacted by your internet connection and potentially any other applications on your computer that are resource intensive. In regards to being logged out you will be logged out automatically of your session has not been active for the last 60 minutes, this is a security feature and standard in SaaS products.
Edit Jobs once allocated: you can edit jobs and job details once allocated however once an engineer downloads a form on the job and enters data we prevent the job schedule being changed as the job has started however you can still edit job details.
Video attachments: correct we don't allow video attachments and we have never stated on our marketing that we do.
Invoice Sync: we are a certified Xero app partner and therefore our sync goes through a thorough review by Xero. They have approved the sync and we are proud to say that we offer a two way sync unlike other job management software vendors. The sync is automatic when sending to Xero but yes you have to press sync manually if you wish to sync updates across from Xero to Klipboard. This is due to the permissions that Xero enforces on their API, we can't automatically / continually sync from Xero.
Site Customers and Duplicate customers: Xero does not have a parent and child contact architecture therefore we have to sync across site contacts and hyphenate them with the parent contact name - this doesn't cause any issues, when choosing who to bill or invoice, it is just a contact record. The duplicate customers were caused by your team performing merges and undergoes in Xero and our team worked with your team to clean the data for you. Xero does not permit duplicate customer names, that is their rule and hence why they wouldn't sync
Postcode Lookup: This is Google's service that we enable inside the platform, we have no control over the results.
Hard to use & complicated: Feedback usually given on the platform is in regards to how easy it is to use. However we do understand that some customers do require help and guidance and that is why we provide a dedicated customer success manager for onboarding and training - though you do have to commit to doing these sessions if you wish to get value.
As we have continued to state in all communications with you and your team, we are here to help and continue to provide our services to you whilst you are a customer. Please feel free to connect with your customer success manager.
Bethany Riddell
Posted 7 Jan 2022
We've been using Klipboard as our primary software for a few months now. It linked to Xero extremely well for us and allows us to link all of our accounting between the two platforms smoothly. Klipboard's easy and simple to use, runs brilliantly for reactive and planned maintenance jobs and the new features brought out will be incredibly useful on larger installs. The help desk and customer care team are amazing, they've been on hand in minutes to answer any queries or issues we've been having and always have everything sorted within hours. Regularly check in to make sure we're getting along ok too. Highly recommend, klipboard is a really great company run by really great people.
Although Xero reviews each app in the Xero App Store, we can’t give any guarantees. It’s up to you to assess the performance, quality and suitability of any app before going ahead.