BAS Ready is designed for Accountants and Bookkeepers to increase efficiency, reduce the stress of BAS time, and identify errors in client files.
The easy-to-read dashboard shows the progress of each client file for the selected BAS period. At a quick glance you'll be able to identify which clients are ready to start their BAS and which ones need some encouragement to get their file up to date.
For each BAS period date you will be able to review:
- How many any unreconciled bank transactions are outstanding as of the BAS Date.
- Does the PAYGW balance from payroll match the Balance Sheet.
- Check if payroll is up to date by seeing the date of the last payrun posted.
- Does Super Accrued from payroll match the Super Payable balance in the Balance Sheet.
- Check the GST balance per the Balance Sheet based on the Xero files Cash/Accrual setting.
With this data, you'll know exactly what to focus on for each client, to ensure the BAS periods runs efficiently.
BAS Ready + Xero
BAS Ready integrates with Xero by retrieving the data from clients that you choose to connect. Using these files, it pulls bank transactions, payroll data and account balances to show in an easy to read dashboard.
Getting started
Click the above Get This App button.
Once you've signed up, just login using Xero and start adding your clients. Your clients Xero data will then be securely transferred to BAS Ready.

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