LightYear Docs is the strategic choice for legal documentation. Backed by in-house and partner legal firm Abbott & Mourly Lawyers, all documents on the LightYear Docs platform are updated and reviewed each quarter ensuring you’ll never get left behind. Including Companies, Trusts, SMSFs, Business Agreements and Estate Planning documents, your business is sure to surge with LYD. Plus, the new LY Surge app is free for all Lightyear Docs users and provides a private channel to speak with technical strategy and legal experts directly, subscribe to and watch webinars and earn quarterly CPD hours. We know documents, we know legal and we know strategy even better.
We saw a problem, so we reimagined it. LightYear Docs was founded on the belief that providing practical solutions that improve an accounting or financial services business would revolutionise the often-complicated legal documentation and client advice process. Designed with you, your business and your client in mind, our innovative platform allows you to create documents, learn and implement strategies and benefit from expert knowledge, partnerships, and member benefit programs. We help professionals reimagine their businesses from day one by empowering them with some of Australia's most strategic and advanced documents, collaboration tools, and strategies. The LightYear Docs unique document wizard provides access to more than 190 different legal documents and strategy packs (or workflows) with full legal sign-off from Abbott & Mourly Lawyers. And the revolutionary LY Surge app ensures we're ready to help your practice be the best it can be, where and whenever you are.

LightYear Docs + Xero
LYD Application will integrate with XERO Practice Manager to retrieve the information of contacts, clients so that user can select and fill it automatically into the interview forms without typing it.
Getting started
Sign up and get free one-to-one training. In Document Wizard navigate to My Integrations. Select Connect to Xero. Log into Xero HQ, select the practice, then click Allow Access Select the organization that you want to connect to retrieve the contacts and clients information. Go to Templates. Select the template with XERO icon. Start the interview. Click on button Import Contacts to select the data from XERO to import in the form.