Evenly PayPredict can help your business
Manage operations
- Manage customer or client contracts
Manage accounts, cash flow and finance
- Invoicing and debt collection
Tasks for Accountants and Bookkeepers
- Invoicing and debt collection
Help and advice for business
- Advise
- Business insights
If customers are the lifeblood of your business it makes sense to monitor for customer problems or changes in advance - but there's never been a simple way to do that. Until now.
PayPredict monitors thousands of data sources to give you unique, AI-driven predictions and monitoring of customer reliability:
Will they pay your invoices on time?
How will their payment behaviour affect your cashflow?
Are they likely to run into any problems in the next 12 months?
Start by getting insights about your customers in seconds then follow up with 24/7 monitoring and alerts for customer issues and suggested actions for what to do if anything comes up.
You also get scores and alerts from Equifax, Australia's largest commercial credit bureau, included free inside Evenly - saving you HUNDREDS of dollars a month.
Start with a FREE 14-Day Trial (no credit card needed) today to get the best customer risk insights available - track unlimited customers with access for unlimited users and more.

Evenly PayPredict + Xero
PayPredict syncs with your accounts via Xero's own secure authorisation tool and never modifies data in your accounts, in any way, without authorisation. PayPredict looks at customer and invoice data to allow us to give you predictions of payment behaviour. We also give you tools to enrich your own Xero data such as our ABN search tool.
Automated data syncing ensures you're kept updated on any new customer payment issues as soon as they arise. At all times you're in full control. Connect and disconnect from PayPredict with one click.
Getting started
Getting started is simple - connect to Xero and we’ll give you a view of your customer reliability you’ve never seen before - all in a FREE 14 Day Trial with no credit card needed.
From there PayPredict keeps an eye on things for you - pinpointing customers who’ll likely pay late, the exact date they’re likely to pay any invoices, and the impact that will have on your cashflow.