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Our “MERP” is a Business Integration system that can streamline users’ business processes and improve efficiency.
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Listed for
1 year
June 2023

MERP can help your business


Our journey started back in 2009 when we built our first website selling IT products online. When we tried to expand our business on eBay, we found we were trapped in an even bigger hole. More staff was needed to manage eBay listing, sales, after sale services and inventory. All these extra costs were not making any profit for our business. Wherever there is manual processing involved, mistakes follow. The more we sold, the more issues we had to fix.

Then we looked for this type of perfect solution on the market, but we found nothing like we wanted. Instead, we started to build our own from 2014, and named it MyERP (MERP). Over the last 5 years of MERP developments, we have used our IT business as the testing ground, and kept improving and perfecting our solutions from real end users’ real time requirements.

Currently, Merp could streamline our business process and improve efficiency. It can track each process from purchase to booking in stock, then sales transactions, then logistics. No more “flying” paperwork in the office. It could sync all sales transactions with one inventory from multiple market places, such as our store fronts, our websites, eBay and Amazon etc. It can talk to our accounting software with inventory moments, payable and receivable tracking daily and automatically. It can talk to third party freight providers for tracking updates automatically. It can list and off-list any selected products on selected market place with full price control. It can update customers each step of the way of their orders automatically, without sales staff sending out emails.

Proudly, we have achieved an average 40% year on year growth for the past 5 years. With a total only 22 employees, we are managing over 50,000 difference products across two websites, eBay, Amazon and WeChat (Overseas) market places. Last year we sold over $40M dollar of products and we keep growing. We offered MERP free trials to many other businesses in the last 2 years. They have given great feedback and suggestions in return.

We are so excited to see every one of their businesses all thriving, and the owners all work so efficiently to manage their team and products, and they have plenty time to plan for the future.

MERP + Xero

Merp can connect with some marketplaces such as the eBay, WooCommerce, Magento, and Shopify. Once Merp connects with Xero, Merp will become the core of your business.

In MERP, you can manage invoices from different marketplaces, and synchronize these invoices/credit notes/bills/payment to Xero.

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Shared data

Invoicesshared from MERP to Xero
Credit Notesshared from MERP to Xero
Paymentsshared from Xero to MERP and from MERP to Xero
Purchase Ordersshared from MERP to Xero
Itemsshared from MERP to Xero
Contactsshared from MERP to Xero





App details

Added in 2023






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