FuseDocs is a document automation platform. It saves accounting firms time by automating repetitive document related tasks. Examples of some of these tasks might be: preparing cover or engagement letters, compiling year end financial document packs, extracting signing pages from produced documents. It typically turns a repetitive task an accounting firm would do from 1 hour to 5 minutes.

FuseDocs + Xero
FuseDocs connects to various data and document sources in order to perform it's document automation. In the case of XPM - Accounting firms use FuseDocs to connect to XPM and extract client details for the purposes of address details for letters and/or to get a list of entities in a given family group to produce a compilation for those entities.
Getting started
The first step is to contact your Implementation consultant. We will work with you to talk through what is possible with your current or future FuseDocs solution and identify what data we can extract from which of your business systems. In the case of XPM, that might be defining where address fields for clients extracted from the system appear in your FuseDocs generated letters.