MuRho is a Singapore based provider of warehouse management system since 2002 with more than 10,000 satisfied users. Our cloud-based Store N Track System is specifically designed for Small & Medium Size Companies who wants to enhance the inventory tracking capabilities of their Xero cloud-based accounting sys. The combined solution offers the power of a mini-ERP system at a faction of the cost if you were to purchase a traditional ERP system.
The MuRho Store N Track will help enhance your inventory management by providing additional functions like multi UOM (unit of measure), barcode scanning technology, batch number with expiry date tracking, multi-location traceability, electronic pick list with validated pick & issue via mobile computers, BOM (bill of materials) with parent/child relationship, proof of delivery with electronic sign off & many more…

MuRho Store N Track + Xero
- Billing in Xero to MuRho Store N Track as an Inbound Order
Whenever you create a Bill in the Xero accounting system, the details of the Bill will automatically synch with the MuRho Store N Track system as an Inbound Order. With the Inbound Order in the MuRho system, you can perform goods receipt against the Inbound Order in the MuRho system by either using the PC browser interface or through the Android App which you can download from the Google Play Store.
- Invoice in Xero to MuRho Store N Track as an Outbound Order
Whenever an Invoice is created in the Xero accounting system, the details of the invoice will automatically synch with the MuRho Store N Track system as an Outbound Order. With the Outbound Order in the MuRho system, you can then do pick & issue plus delivery against the Outbound Order in the MuRho system by either using the PC browser interface or through the Android App which you can download from the Google Play Store.
Getting started
Signing Up for a new Trial Account
1 Use the following URL to Sign Up for a free trial account via Xero. https://ecommerce.murho.net/NSeries/XeroSignUpServlet?Submit=XERO_SIGNUP
2 Login to Xero.
3 Click <Allow access>.
NOTE: If the user has multiple Xero accounts, he is required to select which Xero account is to be used for the connection.
4 Fill in the details to setup a new trial account. Click <Submit> once done.
NOTE: All the data fields are mandatory. The password entered here will be used for the Store N Track Online account login.
5 Once the trial account has been created successfully, user will be logged into the new Store N Track Online account automatically and directed to the Xero Integration Settings screen.
6 Click <Connect to Xero> button to enable the Xero API.
7 Once the Xero API has been connected successfully, user will see a “success” message on screen. In addition, the Xero Status displayed on the main menu bar will be changed to “Connected”.